Freshman Seminar is a course designed to promote a successful transition between middle and high school with a focus on digital citizenship, technology and 21st century learning. Taught by the Monty Tech technology and guidance departments, the course provides students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Naviance/Guidance software, improve organizational and communication skills and establish a career or college plan through personal exploration. Students will also be exposed to skills and resources for academic success such as time management, goal setting, and critical thinking through hands on activities, classroom discussions, and group work. Students will demonstrate the safe and responsible use of technology and an understanding of security, privacy, and ethics pertaining to computers. In addition, students will be instructed on Chromebook usage as well as how to manage the many G-Suite for Education tools. The goal is for students to become independent and effective users of information and computer technology.
- Room #117
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- Ellen Gammel