Title I
  • Incoming 9th grade students:  Prior to entering their freshmen year, grade 9 students take two placement tests.  The Stanford 10 is administered and used as an indicator for placement in the English Language Arts program, and a local mathematics assessment is administered which determines students’ placement in Monty Tech’s grade 9 math program.

    Title I eligibility is based on the Stanford 10 and local math placement test results. Students scoring a 6.9 (or below) grade equivalency in reading on the Stanford 10 are eligible to receive Title I services in English Language Arts.  Students with a score of 23 or below on the math placement test are eligible to receive Title I math services.  These services include automatic enrollment in one of two supplemental courses: Writing Lab or Math Lab course. Please see the Program of Studies for more information.  

    At the end of their grade 9 year, Title I eligible students are evaluated by the Title I teaching staff.  Students are recommended to either continue receiving Title I services in grade 10, or informed that they are no longer demonstrating a need for supplemental services.

    Grade 10 students:  Students entering grade 10 are placed in Title I based on their eighth grade MCAS scores (if available), Stanford 10 test scores, math placement test scores, or by teacher or guidance counselor request based on academic performance in their grade 9 ELA or math courses.  Students who were placed in Title I the previous year continue with Title I services during their sophomore year unless the parent chooses to withdraw their child from the program, or unless the Title I teaching staff determines the student is no longer demonstrating a need for supplemental services.