Monty Tech takes great pride in knowing that we are a valuable community resource, willing to provide services to local non-profit agencies, residents of our 18 communities, and municipalities. We do accept work requests, and each requested project will be thoughtfully considered on its individual merits, subject to the following considerations:
- The project must align at least one of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Chapter 74 Curriculum Frameworks.
- The project must have overall educational value and appropriately fit within the instructional schedule of the career and technical education program being asked to do the work.
- The school will give preference to municipalities and non-profit agencies within one of the 18 communities in the Monty School District.
- The school will give preference to municipalities and non-profit agencies that have not requested prior projects within a calendar year.
- The individuals or group requesting the work is responsible for paying for materials and supplies related to the project.
- The school will reject requests from individuals or groups who have previously failed to pay or who have been deemed a potential security risk to its students or faculty.
- All work will be done during the regular school day (7:45am-2:40pm) and under the supervision of licensed teaching personnel.
- No work will be done on private property.
- All work requests must be submitted, in writing, to the Director of Vocational Programs using the proper Monty Tech request form.
- Projects may be undertaken by a program out of chronological order if the scope of the project is determined to be better suited to students’ learning needs at the time.
When requesting work, please remember that this is a school, where learning is our primary mission. Monty Tech is not a private business. As such, Monty Tech reserves the right to refuse or cancel any request that does not further our school’s educational mission, or conflicts with our school’s philosophy.
If you have a job or project that satisfies the criteria above, please complete the appropriate application (links below), and submit it to Ryan Rege, Director of Vocational Programs.