Late Bus Information
  • At Monty Tech, we understand a student's day doesn't always end when the last bell sounds - sports, clubs, tutoring and more are happening, and that means late transportation is a must.  We are happy to provide all students with access to alternative transportation.

    We will officially start the 4:15pm late bus the week of September 18th.  The 4:15 late bus typically runs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Please be sure to remind your students that if they are taking the 4:15 late bus, they need to sign up for it in the Main Office before school or during their lunch. They should only stay after school for a school-sponsored club or activity, and they MUST be under a teacher's supervision.

     The typical late bus schedule is:

    Mon, Wed, Thurs - 4:15 & 6:00

    Tuesday - 6:00 only

    Friday - 5:30 only

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