Summer Camp 2024
  • Attention all incoming 6th-8th graders! Monty Tech is excited to announce our 2024 Summer Camps!  Each four-day camp offers a variety of fun, hands-on lessons and activities in the program of your child's choice.  And to wrap up an already great week, you can opt-in to a Friday field trip to Apex Entertainment with your fellow campers (for an additional fee).

    Monty Tech summer camps run Monday - Thursday from 8:30am - 2:30pm.  Costs vary by camp, and registration fees cover all program materials and supplies, a camp t-shirt, and daily snacks and lunches in our cafeteria!  See descriptions of each camp on the online store site (link below). 

    Register TODAY to make sure you have a spot in these very popular summer programs.

    How can I make sure my child takes part in the fun?

    1. Pay for your selected camp through our online store (link provided above).
    2. Check your email for the registration form and medical forms.
    3. Complete the required documents and scan/email them to: or return them by mail to:  Monty Tech, ATTN: Christine Leamy, 1050 Westminster Street, Fitchburg, MA  01420
    4. If the camp you are looking for is "SOLD OUT" on the website, that means it is full.  Please email to be placed on that camp's waitlist!