Graduates from our Early Childhood Education program may benefit from a number of articulation agreements with area colleges and universities, as listed below. These agreements save qualified students time and money, making a college education much more attainable.
Mount Wachusett Community College, Gardner, MA
- ECE101 Introduction to Early Childhood Education (3)
- ECE124 Early Childhood Practicum (4)
Students who have successfully completed the CDA credential also qualify for:
- ECE102 Early Childhood Curriculum & Program Planning (3)
- PSY108 Child Development (3)
Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA
- ECE101 Introduction to Early Childhood Education (3)
- ECE888 ECE Course Elective (3)
Keene State College, Keene, NH
- EDUC290 Special Topics in Education (4)
- kSC100 (8)
Fitchburg State University, Fitchburg, MA
- EDUC1006 Foundations of Inclusive Education (3)
- ECDUC3097 Designing Environments for Young Children (3)
STATEWIDE: 15 Massachusetts Community Colleges
One or more of the following course(s) or equivalent, up to 3 credits:
- Child Development and Behavior
- Child Growth and Development
- Development in Early Childhood
- Early Childhood Curriculum and Program Planning
- Early Childhood Education Elective
- Early Childhood Growth
- Early Childhood Programs
- Foundations of Early Childhood Education
- Growth & Development of the Young Child
- Introduction to Early Childhood Education