Graduates from our Graphic Communications program may benefit from an articulation agreement with a college, as listed below. Such agreements save qualified students time and money, making a college education much more attainable.
Keene State College, Keene, NH
- IAART105 Graphic Design Process (4)
- ART253 Digital Imaging (4)
- KSC100 (4)
STATEWIDE: 15 Massachusetts Community Colleges
One or more of the following course(s) or equivalent, up to 3 credits:
- Computer Aided Graphic Design
- Computer Graphics
- Computers for Graphic Designers I
- Design Theory
- Digital Design Concepts I
- Digital Imaging
- Digital Page Layout
- Electronic Imaging
- Graphic Production and Layout I
- Illustration I
- Introduction to Computer Graphics
- Introduction to Desktop Publishing
- Introduction to Electronic Studio
- Introduction to the Graphic Arts Computer
- Publication Design