Graduates from our Business Technology program may benefit from a number of articulation agreements with area colleges and universities, as listed below. These agreements save qualified students time and money, making a college education much more attainable.
Mount Wachusett Community College (Business Administration Career), Gardner, MA
- BUS112 Introduction to Customer Relations (3)
- BUS125 Communicating for Business and Industry (3)
- MGT110 Small Business Management (3)
Mount Wachusett Community College (Accounting), Gardner, MA
- ACC101 Accounting 101 (3)
Mount Wachusett Community College (Administrative Assistant Certificate), Gardner, MA
- BUS112 Introduction to Customer Relations (3)
- BUS125 Communicating for Business and Industry (3)
- MGT110 Small Business Management (3)
- EOA107 Word Processing (3)
- *EOA180 Externship Experience (3)
* Credit will be granted when the student passes EOA110 with a grade of "B" or better, and the student's grade for the high school co-op expereince was a "B" or better.
Keene State College, Keene, NH
- MGT213 Financial Accounting (4)
- KSC100 Electives (8)
STATEWIDE: 15 Massachusetts Community Colleges
- Introduction to Microcomputer Applications
- Keyboarding
- Introduction to Word Processing
- Administrative Office Procedures
- Introductory Accounting/Computer Applications